Cannabis Law on Earth

Matthew Jerome - Canada's First Ganjier

June 08, 2023 Russell Bennett, Cannabis Lawyer, Season 2 Episode 1

Matthew Jerome is the Founder and Chief Consultant of Meristem Cannabis Consulting, a patient-focused education company, and is Canada's first fully certified Ganjier.

Matt's goal within the industry is to provide confidence when it comes to quality related decisions, which he has over 15 years of experience doing. He has been a vocal medicinal cannabis advocate for over a decade and is a board of directors’
member of Educannation, a non-profit organization, as well as an advisory board member of the ‘Grow Up’ cannabis conference and Canadian Cannabis Championship, and an advocate of the Canadian Cannabis Tourism Alliance.

Matt has been featured as a key-note speaker at several cannabis events and expos globally, and has been selected to professionally judge several cannabis, hash, and extract competitions worldwide. As a Ganjier he offers one-of-a-kind systematic cannabis flower and extract assessments in the industry and features the best of which he finds in Fat Nugs Magazine, where he works as a writer and contributor.

Thank you to Jeremy Benning, our co-producer and sound editor.

And thank you to Albert Wong, who created and performed our beautiful music.

For more insightful conversations related to cannabis law, listen to our other episodes at

If you're looking for a good text book on Canada's federal cannabis law and regulations with helpful related case law, read Canada's Cannabis Act.

And if you need a cannabis lawyer, ask Russell for more information at

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