Cannabis Law on Earth

Crista Eggers - Campaign Manager for Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana

December 13, 2023 Russell Bennett, Cannabis Lawyer,

Crista Eggers is the Statewide Campaign Manager for Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana, a ballot committee leading the effort to put a pair of initiatives on the 2024 ballot that would legalize medical cannabis access in Nebraska. 

Crista has been active in lobbying for legislative efforts and with two prior ballot attempts in 2020 and 2022.

Crista's passion for cannabis advocacy began when her youngest son Colton, was diagnosed with intractable epilepsy when he was two. Colton continues to experience daily uncontrolled seizures, and Crista believes as do many other parents of children with epilepsy, that cannabis has an ability to prevent seizures. The Nebraskan authorities do not agree.

Crista is a graduate of Wayne State College, and holds degrees in Public Relations and Organizational Leadership. Crista’s husband and their two sons live in Gretna, Nebraska. 

Thank you to Jeremy Benning, our co-producer and sound editor.

And thank you to Albert Wong, who created and performed our beautiful music.

For more insightful conversations related to cannabis law, listen to our other episodes at

If you're looking for a good text book on Canada's federal cannabis law and regulations with helpful related case law, read Canada's Cannabis Act.

And if you need a cannabis lawyer, ask Russell for more information at

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